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Hvordan fikse “Hendelses-ID 2505: Server kunne ikke binde til transport”-feil på Windows


Bekymret for en ny feilmelding i hendelsesloggen din? Ikke bekymre deg; det er ikke på langt nær så alvorlig som det høres ut.

Du har kanskje lagt merke til en ny feil dukket opp i Event Viewer etter en nylig Windows 11-oppdatering. Denne oppdateringen er tilsynelatende relatert til nettverksytelse. La oss se på hva slags innvirkning denne feilen har, og hva vi kan gjøre for å fikse den.

Hva betyr ‘Serveren kunne ikke binde seg til transporten’-feilen?

Hvordan fikse "Hendelses-ID 2505: Server kunne ikke binde til transport"-feil på Windows

Du har kanskje sett denne feilmeldingen i Event Viewer. Event Viewer er et flott verktøy for å feilsøke Windows-problemer, så hvis noe ikke ser riktig ut, er det en god idé å dobbeltsjekke hva som skjer for å sikre at alt er i orden.

I sin helhet lyder den aktuelle feilmeldingen som følger:

The server could not bind to the transport DeviceNetBT_Tcpip_{XXX…} because another computer on the network has the same name. The server could not start. </code>

This error message may appear on boot, or throughout normal use. It carries the Event ID 2505, which actually points to it being an error with the File and Print Service.

Put simply, this is a temporary error caused by the File and Print Service having difficulty talking to NetBIOS.

Do I Need to do Anything?

Not really, no.

This error causes mostly cosmetic problems, that being the error appearing in the Event Viewer. As confirmed by a Microsoft Tech Support agent on the [Official Microsoft Community Page,]( the error is harmless to the overall performance of your computer and can be safely ignored.

Possible Fix


Hvordan fikse "Hendelses-ID 2505: Server kunne ikke binde til transport"-feil på Windows


If the error bothers you, or you feel it might be connected to a separate network error, you can try the following solution.

  1. Click **Start**
  2. Type **CMD** into the search bar
  3. Right click on **Command Prompt** and select **Run as Administrator**
  4. Type the command **netsh winsock reset** into the Command Prompt Window
  5. Press **Enter**

This will **reset the Winsock catalog** and hopefully prevent the error from appearing in the future. Other possible fixes may involve more basic network troubleshooting, particularly of a wireless device. You can check out or [guide on basic network troubleshooting]( for more info.

A Common but Harmless Network Error

Although somewhat widely reported, Event ID 2505 is understood to be completely harmless and not worth fixing. In time, Microsoft may patch this error message out in a future update. For now, you can continue browsing without the worry of an affected wireless connection.


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